Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 7 Assignment - Results

What a week!!  It sure has been a roller coaster!  It started with a call from a headhunter with a position I can only describe as my "dream job".  To make a long story short (well, as short as possible), when my oldest was born I walked away from a job I loved to become a stay home mom.  I have been so blessed that with some purse-tightening we have financially been able to manage on one income for the last four and a half years.  The deal was I would go back to work once Brenna started Kindergarten two years from now, but I felt that if I didn't at least look into this opportunity I would regret it down the line.  As the headhunter said, I'd either hate them and the job and my decision would be easy...or I'd love them and the job and while it would be a little harder the decision would be mine to make.  Turns out there was a third option.  I'd love them and the job but they wouldn't love me.  :(  I can't tell if I'm more disappointed or relieved, but I can say that my ego is a bit bruised.  I've been fortunate in my life to have only interviewed for one job (now two) that I haven't been offered. But once my ego bounces back I know I will still have the best job in the world...getting to stay home and raise my two beautiful children!!  And I still get to give myself some exciting assignments!

Speaking of assignments, this weeks assignment was a fun little diversion from all this serious interview preparation!  I ended up making two sets of pillowcase dresses (I'm finishing a third but Brenna has already claimed it!) and they sure are cute!   They are pretty easy to make once you get comfortable with the process, so if you are going to give them a try I recommend making one with some scrap fabric first.  The hardest part is putting the bias tape on the arm holes, so if you do try and make one and get stuck let me know.  I'd be happy to post a "how to" on the bias tape!!  :)

Take a look!

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