Well, it was another challenging week in the DIY department around here. Thanks to some rainy days and more than a couple unsuccessful nap times, I didn't get nearly as much done in the Guest Bathroom as I had hoped. :( While I managed to get the ceiling and walls painted, that's really all I was able to complete. On the bright side, I am thrilled with the color. It's lighter than I thought it would be, but I absolutely love it! It totally brightens up what was once a rather dark and dreary bathroom...take a look!
One important lesson I learned this week...If you are using the Glidden Trim Paint and don't have the luxury of painting it in your garage, DON'T paint your new trim until it's up on the wall!!! I regrettably learned the hard way that because of how long it takes to dry, it is virtually impossible to paint it before you install it without completely messing it up while it's drying. While it's nothing a bit of sanding and primer can't fix, it's just another frustrating setback.
Unfortunately, I have to take a short break from finishing the Guest Bathroom because I have "homework" to do for Bradan's Kindergarten that he's (hopefully, we find out this Friday) going into next fall...
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